Welcome to our community
The highest priority of Aliyah Ruhanim center is to serve to Jewish and new repatriation persons in Netaniya . We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. We help to adopte new repatriants persons in Israel and to seed them health God's word.

Who we are
From idea to process . We propose pastoral brotherhood the opportunity to visit Israel and join the Community of Israel acceptance and assistance in Aliyah concrete participation in work and service in Israel restoration of the Body of the Messiah (Israel + nations) opening for the Church from other peoples of God's Israel and building "mutually reinforcing ties"enrichment in the understanding of the Scriptures through the "Jewish understanding" and interpretation of the Word equipping and training "mature" ministers for Israel in the countries of origin (Hebrew, theology, the practice of serving the Jews, etc.)
Here at Aliyah Ruhanim center, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2008, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially Aliya Ruhanim upon: support, empowerment and progress. Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. Aliya center emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words.
What do we propose
In the center of attention
Aliyah Ruhanim center is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before, and we are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Below are some of our most recent projects. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to create a lasting impact.
Worship service
The Jewish worship songs help us to go deep in Jewish atmosphere.

Youth service
The main aim of youth service to prepare young people to serve Jewish on their language and their habbits.
Dancing service
The dance in Jewish traditions apply great atmosphere to Worship service .

Praying service
Every Sunday and Thursday we meet in our hall for pray time. The pray starts at 7 p.m till 8 p.m We take praying themes and dedicate our time to pray for ones.

Our schedule
Sunday 19:00 Praying service ru
Wednesday 19:00 Youth service ru
Thursday 19:00 Praing service ru
Thursday 18:30 Evening Service eng/heb
Friday 18:00 Shabbat service ru
Saturday 16:00 Movie time ru
Interview with Rebe of Aliyah Ruhanim Center

Andrei, tell us how your life in the Lord began? - By 2000, my life was in such a state that I understood that I did not have long to live. More than 20 years of drug addiction, almost 15 years in prison, an open form of tuberculosis - a complete dead end ... It was in this state that the Lord found me. As I later found out, my Pentecostal relatives, who left for America in the late eighties, prayed for me for a long time. Knowing my fate, they prayed for me and a miracle happened - God found me and on April 5, 2000 (it was Wednesday) I ran to the church. It was the church "New Generation" in the Dnieper. There I repented, and after that, I got to the Sunday service at the Way Home Church — it was there that I made a covenant with God, began to serve Him, and met my future wife. From the very first day, miracles began to accompany me: I smoked the last cigarette on the way to church, God completely freed me from drug addiction. A week later, I took a fluorography and blood test, and immediately admitted there that I had tuberculosis - for the last two years I have been in a colony for tuberculosis patients, I was registered in a tuberculosis dispensary. And when I came a week later for the results of the tests, they asked me: “What makes you think that you are sick with tuberculosis?” I got a picture in my hands - and my lungs are absolutely clean, I was deregistered at the tuberculosis dispensary. Ever since those days, I never imagined that one could be just a nominal believer. A group of ministers and I drove 70 km from the Dnieper and started a rehabilitation center in an abandoned house. A year later, I returned from there to the church in Dnipro, and about fifty people were already undergoing rehabilitation there. In the church, I started a home group, served in an order group, and later began to serve dependents and co-dependents. In 2002, with God's miracles and His intervention, the Resurrection Charitable Foundation was born - a regional public organization that operates to this day. Thanks to this fund, we were able to serve in various colonies and prisons in the Dnepropetrovsk region. We carried out actions together with the regional administration and the police. In 2005, the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine presented me personally with a medal "For Assistance in the Fight against Drug Crime." Together with this medal, I keep four certificates of release from prison, so as not to forget where God got me from. We also received awards for preventive work with young people - high schools, colleges, and universities. In 2008 we moved from Dnipro to Novomoskovsk and started a home group there. After that, several water immersions and large-scale evangelism were held, during which about fifty Roma repented. The senior pastor of the church said that we should already open a church - and in 2009 we were ordained as pastors of the "Assembly of God" church in Novomoskovsk. – And how did you get acquainted with the Jewish messianic ministry and ended up in Israel? – My wife and I are Jews, and we always knew it, but we showed our Jewishness by trying to attend prayers for Israel, which were held by the Messianic community of Dnipro (pastor Andrey Schmeitzer, who is now my senior pastor), and the conference “Feasts of the Lord”, which were held twice a year in the Dnieper And in 2009, God miraculously opened the doors to Israel for the first time — I was invited to serve there for three months. It was a certain challenge, because I had to leave my wife with small children, but - thank God for my wife! - she let me go, and I flew to Israel. During these three months, I saw a little bit of ministry in Israel from the inside - and, to be honest, I didn’t like everything. When I returned, my wife asked me: “So what? Gathering things? And I said, “No. To go there to serve, to relax, to visit - that's welcome. But I don’t see myself in Israel…” Because here, in Ukraine, there was service, people, and responsibility. But a year and a half later, we flew to Israel together with my wife, for five weeks. Then I began to pray, realizing that God had prepared something for us. It was while there in Israel that we received a word from God, with supernatural confirmation, that it was His will for us to move to Israel and begin the ministry in Netanya. Then we did not yet have an understanding that it would be a messianic community, because we were church people. Until I left for Israel, I studied in Kyiv, at the theological academy - all my theology was Christian. But having received a word from God, we accepted it and returned from Israel with a decision. Even before we left, I spoke with the bishop and asked him if he had a vision to serve in Israel. He answered in the affirmative and asked what we expect from them. We asked him to bless us, he prayed for us and we went to undergo a consular check. It was at this time that I received from God the understanding that we would open in Israel not just a church, but precisely a messianic community. This understanding came to me through Romans 11:24, which says that "natural branches will be grafted into their olive tree.
Celebrate Jewish Holiday together
Let's invite you to our celebration 2024 in Aliyah Ruhanim center
All dates of Jewish Holidays are Items page.
We celebrate our holidays in our center with worship, theater performances, dinner .

How Volunteering in Israel Can Make a World of Difference
Israel wakes up. this last time very important to support messianic moving. The Scriptures says " All Jewish will receive Jeshua Moshiah. We believe your donation will help to close the time Moshiah arrives. Thank you for your donates .

Make a differnce today! Financal assistans 1) stable maintenance of ministers2) rent (acquisition) of housing for a minister and premises for a meeting3) acquisition (construction, repair) of the building of the Community4) transport costs 5) technical equipment (worship, media ministry)6) educational fees (Hebrew, theology, other)7) flights, transfers, conferences, etc.
This is your donation form. Encourage your site visitors to make a donation today by providing additional information about your organization, or how their contribution can best help achieve your goals.
Contact with us
Want to get involved with Aliyah Ruhanim Center? Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.
Netania Shmuel Hanaciv 15 Israel
Andrey Farber
Rebe Aliyah Ruhanim center
I received salvation in 2000 in Ukraine Dniepr city.
I am married and have 4 children.
In 2012 we moved to Israel.
We started to serve in Netaniya and after I received a vision about our community.
The main vision I received from God is understanding Jewish roots and the unit of Christian churches under the Jewish roots

Sandra Farber
Leader worship service
I received salvation in the 1999 year when I was 25 years old. God blessed me with a family and a servant husband. I have lived in Israel since the 2012 year. I serve as the leader of the worship group. The aim of our service is to help God's people to be in God's presence through worship and praising according to Jewish traditions

Community Diakons

Nataliya Aharonovich
Assistant rebe
I was born in Kiev Ukraine. I received salvation when I was 18 years old.
I repatriated to Israel with my 3 sons in 2011.
I started to serve in the Aliya Ruhanim Center in 2019.
I am also responsibility for international services
I believe any serveries help our community grow up and increase the word of God

Nadya Farber
Dancing service leader
I was born into a believe family. I received
a water baptism in 2019. I served in worship group until
received revelation from God about dance ministry and that the Lord wanted this ministry in our community , to grow and bear fruit.
The purpose of dance ministry is to discover and instill in people the value of glorifying the Lord through dancing, as part of the Jewish tradition.

Olga Sinica
Pray service
I grow up in belief famaly which honor God. After personal meeting with Jeshua , Lord is my life. The full life with Joshua is not impossible without praing. The prayer service forward to Jewish people will save and receive Joshua Moshiah

Dmitry Edlin
Youth Leader

Natalia Aharonovich
My testimonial is about healing from our Lord. I recieved totally healing from tumor canser . Praise the Lord he is faithfull
Our God promise us if you recieve salvation so your whole home will be saved. For me it comes true. My son and my husband recieved salvation.
Moses and Katya
This year we recieved gift from our God . My wife delivered beauteful son . Deliverence was very easy because of God suport. We were blessed evrything that we need for our baby.